ひとすじにもふたすじにも生きてゆく 八合目からの眺め |
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Archives Yamaguchi Kakuro Profile |
![]() 先生の数ある詩の中で、「友」「酒」「犬」「教え子」を歌ったものに、なぜか秀作が多いような気がしますが・・。気のせいかな? 「教え子」関係の詩については、詩が良いというよりは、歌われている教え子たちが良いというか、そこんとこ微妙なところではあります。 「ひとすじにもふたすじにも生きていく」・・これには大爆笑しました。「酒と詩(うた)とに生きていく」とか「酒と恋とに生きてきて」とか書いて欲しかったよね、先生。 でも「ひとすじにもふたすじにも・・」って最高にお似合い。 老練というか、老獪というか、伊達に歳をとっていないというか、しぶといというか、そういう感じが良く出ていてとても面白い。 |
![]() What a SURPRISE to see the questions I sent to Prof. Yamaguchi on your 7th Heaven Hompage! Thank you so much for considering my messages, even though I am not a graduate of your high school. Thank you! Professor Yamaguchi's reply to me was as follows: ![]() 孔子の「論語」の 冒頭の一行に、有名な 「朋有り 遠方より来る 亦 悦し(たのし)からずや」という言葉があり、私は それを利用して あの詩を作ったのです。 要するに いつもながら 友達と飲んで帰宅が遅くなり、奥さんの ご機嫌が斜めであるという 詩です。 「奥方」とは 女房のことを、男達が すこし 奉って ふざけ気味に 話題にするときの表現です。「山の神」ともいったりします。 腹ふくれる業 means the cause of emotionally angry frustration. 飲み屋での 友人との話が弾んで 「帰らないといけないと 気にはなるけれど」 実際には なかなか腰を上げない状況を描写したつもりなのです。 なぜ 詩の形で表現したくなるのか。これは一寸 説明しにくいです。 昨日も 難波で 佐々木君、 東京からやってきた彼の早稲田大学時代から 彼とのつき合いが深い彼の指導教授との3人で のみました。 明日は 佐々木君と二人で 東京です。なんとなく彼とは 顔を合わせる機会が多いのです。こんな関係を これも少しふざけ気味に 「俺の悪友」とか「俺達は腐れ縁だから 仕方がない」といったりします。親子の関係とか 夫婦の関係とは また 別の味があるのです。 佐々木君の方が 私より 人間としての器量が大きいです。珍しい人物です。 ![]() It is VERY INTERESTING that when people are CLOSE and TRUSTING friends, instead of saying they are GOOD FRIENDS, in Japanese, one would say they are 悪友 !! I wonder, could it be a form of 謙遜 ? Because sometimes, Japanese 謙遜 is SO EXTREME that the complete OPPOSITE is said. For example, "Oh, my son is SO STUPID! He is such a LAZY boy! He doesn't study AT ALL! He has NO BRAINS! He's a real ろくでなし. By the way, recently, he passed the entrance exam into Waseda University. It was surely a mistake! It surely is just a まぐれ!" I often encounter this kind of speech where one says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what one is intending to say in the end! It takes me quite by surprise. In fact, people as open and honest from the very beginning as Mrs. Kitaueda or Mr. Sasaki, are really refreshing and rare! This must be the reason you get along so well with them. You can open your heart to them. (In Japanese, I think "split open your stomachs", right?) The 広辞苑 says that 「腐れ縁」 is 「悪縁」 or 「離れようとしても離れられない悪縁」 Again 「悪」 !!! I find it SO STRANGE and wonder why 「悪」 is ALWAYS used to describe such CLOSE, INTIMATE, PRECIOUS, "GOOD" friendships! And how the "contradiction" makes the meaning SO CLEAR to everyone! (Everyone but me!) Always, Janet ![]() I agree with you completely. Too much 謙遜 is very boring and unpleasant for me. So I am unlike many other Japanese. On the other hand, the idiom 「悪友」 makes me feel some sense of humour it carries with it. This 「悪」 has nothing to do with mailice or ill-will or spite. It is basically the spirit of innocent mischief, as many innocent children often display while having fun. 悪友relationship is an adult version of childlike innocent friendship we notice in small children. The Korean idiom チングウ<親旧・親友>,I feel, has almost the similar connotation in it. 悪友 is a valuable word for me. An English scholar once tried to tell us how many the word 'several' stands for in concrete number. He defined the word by giving an example as follows: Blessed are those who have several friends. In fact, he wanted to say, 'Those who have two or more friends are blessed.The writer is an Englishman, not American. I agree to his definition of the word several or friend as well. It is no easy thing for us to find friends in the true sense of the word, and such friends are undoubtedly 「悪友」 for us. Now would you agree with me? I hope Yoshida san will also understand me. Kakuro ![]() "What is an 「悪友」? Is it A BAD FRIEND, that is, a friend who teaches us to do bad or naughty things? Is it a person who has taught us some bad habits or activities? A BAD influence?" He said, 「違う! "悪い" 友達ではなく、悪い事をいっしょにする "良い" 友達」 He said that when a man is with his 「悪友」 or 「腐れ縁」, he does not feel uneasy or uncomfortable or unpleasant. They are in a very close relationship--more close than with others because, maybe, they share some common "guilt" or some "naughty activity", usually an activity which their wives DO NOT APPROVE OF!! But, still, they can be completely honest and open with each other. They trust each other completely with all of their SECRETS and also BAD HABITS! He said that this description also means that 悪友 friends also have "an alliance" (同盟)to protect each other FROM THEIR WIVES!! When they need an excuse (言い訳)for their angry or upset wives, they can always rely on each other!!! He said that maybe this can also be implied by the 「悪」 of 「悪友」!!! What a SURPRISE!!! If this is so, 悪友 friendships must be VERY PRECIOUS TO A MAN!! This is VERY INTERESTING! Now Prof. Yamaguchi's many friendships are becoming more and more CLEAR to me!!! Prof. Yamaguchi is SO LUCKY to have SO MANY WONDERFUL 悪友S ! (Like you and Mr. Sasaki!) Always, Janet ![]() It is so good because you understand English so well and can also teach me Japanese in such great detail (explained to me in English as well as in Japanese!) But I was a little bit apprehensive whether your former graduates and other acquaintances would really "get" the meanings and would really enjoy these jokes. So it's wonderful to know that, in fact, they could! This not only shows their good knowledge of English but also points to the similarities in men-women relationships throughout the world. I know Mrs. Mita from the homepage and she is a very beautiful lady. I have heard, in fact, that she was known as the "Madonna" of her graduating class. Also, the lovely flowers she tends to are impressive since I know that it is not easy to make flowers bloom like THAT! It takes tender loving care--DAILY! I notice that all of your graduates from 付校 are extremely intelligent and talented! In their writings, they use a lot of kanjis that I don't know--so that, at the MAIN part, I can't understand what they're trying to say! (So sorry!) For example, in the most recent posting, Mr. K writes of Mr. Sasaki: 「呑気と言えば呑気、物騒と言えば物騒なことだったのでしょうが、余り気にもならなかったのは助山の人徳だったのでしょう」 I'm afraid I don't understand this sentence AT ALL!! Still, I CAN tell these people are all very humorous and playful so it's STILL a joy to read of their experiences, especially of their student days since, at Ohtani, an all-women's college, and with our living at home, we could never experience such freedom or independence. Anyway, here's some more, although this may be a bit more "complicated." Good cheers! Always, Janet ![]() K君の「呑気と言えば呑気、物騒と言えば物騒なことだったのでしょうが、・・・」という日本語の表現について、簡単に説明します。 状況は K君の下宿している部屋に、助さん(佐々木君)とその友達や、そのまた友達が(すべて 早稲田の学生達)が、昼間は full-timeでテレビ局に勤め、夜は夜学に通っているK君の留守中 勝手に入り込んで、その部屋のテレビを観て、遊んでいる。当時は まだ テレビを持っている人はすくなかった。K君は テレビ局に勤めていた関係で、自分の部屋にテレビがあったのです。 呑気と言えば呑気:呑気=carefree, ungarded 物騒と言えば物騒:物騒=dangerous, careless, unsafe "I didn't care that those fellows had entered my room without my permission for enjoying watching my TV, while I was away at my office. It might well be said that their free use of my room and TV in my absence had shown that I was too carefree and too unguarded. No one knew whatever they might do other than just watching TV then and there. But myinstinct told me that I could trust them. 注:K君は、なかなかの文章家であると感じます。それに ユ−モアのセンスがあります。彼は 現在 そのテレビ局の部長さんです。その頃の彼と、テントを担いで、信州の山を歩いたことがありました。 |
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