Toyoko Beth Oku Hara's Poetry Corner


Tiny buds come out in their birth pot
a few days after seeding.
Month by month they grow thick enough
to be transplanted,
where they can strengthen themselves
against the coming cold.

Wrapped in the chilly air,
frozen under the blanket of snow,
surviving silently,saying not"Forget me not."

The severe weather,the poor soil,the owner's whimsy
and laziness...all against them,yet
they hold their power and purity inside.

Spring aproaching,fine firm buds of grapes
seen deep among their leaves.
Their stems stretching to burst out blue tints
all at once for the owner and passers-by.

Their prime is like a single dream
after the lasting patience.
Seeds for their posterity falling,spreading....


Toyoko / Seventh Heaven / Seven Fortune Club

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