Island Living
September 18, 2002

シアトルに住む アメリカ人の友人が おくってくれた標題の小咄を 転送しました。
On a chain of beautiful islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded:
Two Italian men and one Italian woman.
Two French men and one French woman.
Two German men and one German woman.
Two Greek men and one Greek woman.
Two English men and one English woman.
Two Bulgarian men and one Bulgarian woman.
Two Japanese men and one Japanese woman.
Two Chinese men and one Chinese woman.
Two Irish men and one Irish woman.
and Two American men and one American woman.
One month later, on these absolutely stunning islands in the middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred:
*** One of the Italian men killed the other for the Italian woman.
*** The two French men and the French woman are living happily in a menage a trois.
*** The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman.
*** The two Greek men are sleeping with each other while the Greek woman cooks and cleans for them.
*** The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the woman.
*** The two Bulgarian men took one look at the Bulgarian woman and decided to swim to another island.
*** The two Japanese faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions.
*** The two Chinese have set up a pharmacy/liquor store/restaurant and laundry and gotten the woman pregnant in order to supply employees for the store.
*** The Irish men divided the island into north and south and set up a distillery. They don't remember if sex gets into the picture because it gets somewhat foggy after a few liters of coconut whiskey. However, they're happy because the English aren't having any fun.
*** The two American men are contemplating suicide because the American woman won't shut up and complains relentlessly about her body, the true nature of feminism, what the sun is doing to her skin, how she can do anything they can do, the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palm trees make her feet look fat, how her last boyfriend respected her more than they do, how her relationship with her mother is the root cause of all problems and why didn't they bring a goddam cell phone so they could call 911 and get them all rescued off this deserted island in the middle of nowhere so she can go shopping.
三角関係のこと、「menage a trois」(メナージュ・ア・トロワ)というんですね。フランス語起源のようですが、勉強になりました。
Trouble in Japan's Financial Sector
September 28, 2002
Thank you for your Report on Japanese Financial Crisis written in a humorous way which has been mailed to me as the Original Message below.
I will forward it to Mr Anabuki for confirmation.
I hope the next 小咄 would be a bit sexual or sensual piece which will let the readers burst into laughter or grin or relax.. There are less and less amusing talks of the town around us these days. What is most important, however, is that you will more often contribute to your 小咄 Section in the Seventh Heaven HP. Thank you in advance for that.
Dear Prof. Yamaguchi,
Recently, I sent the attached message to Mr. Anabuki on Sept. 6th. I wonder why he did not notice it. Although I think it is so funny, do you think the play on words was a bit difficult so he chose not to use it? Anyway, I will now send it to you.
I am really happy that you encourage me to contribute stories. Thanks to your kind invitation, I feel better. By the way, do you think the following story needs explanations attached? If so, please let me know and I will send it again with the explanations.
Always, Janet

According to inside contacts, the Japanese banking crisis shows no signs of stopping.
Following last week's news that Origami Bank had folded, we are hearing that Sumo Bank has gone belly up and Bonsai Bank plans to cut back some of its branches.
Karaoke Bank is up for sale and (you guessed it!) is going for a song.
Meanwhile, shares in Kamikaze Bank have nose-dived and 500 back-office staff at Karate Bank got the chop.
Analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank and the staff there fear they may get a raw deal.
-Origami Bank が folded 折りたたんだ(倒産)
-Sumo Bankは gone belly-up おなかを上にして アップアップ状態(倒産)
-Bonsai Bank は cut back some of its branches 枝を切り込んだ(支店を縮小、営業停止)
-Karaoke Bank は up for sale 売りに出されていて going 'for a song' 歌を歌うだけで買える(ただのような値で出ている)
-Kamikaze Bank の shares have nose-dived 株は鼻からつこっみ、急降下
-Karate Bank の 500 back-office staff got the chop 事務職員500人はチョップをくらった (くびになった)
-Sushi Bank では something fishy going on 魚臭い(うさんくさい)ことがあると analystsは言っているし staff fear they may get a raw deal 従業員は、生々しい(不当な)仕打ちを受けることを恐れている。