酒は人を裏切らぬ という想いを
夢も希望もない という想いを
希望は人を支える という想いを
まだ 夢が醒めぬか
他愛もなく 頼り無き者よと
かくて わが想いは帰着した
夢を紡ごう 希望を信じて
美酒に酔う 至福の希望に

長谷川牧師の カイザルのものは カイザルに返せ、、、についての 説教は、実に明快。始めて この言葉をすっきりと 会得できたように感じました。
要するに 「税金」は ある程度は 払わんと仕方がないけれど、、、ということですね。そして その続きの説教が素晴らしい。小生は 信仰はないけれども良いお話でした。
酔桃女史の 次男坊・源君、沖縄の 「語り部」の事に関連して流石に 鋭い言を述べたね。
やはり 蛙の子なのだ。
今時の 若い子も頼もしいね。
戦争中に あな嬉れし、、、という国民歌謡があったような記憶があるけど。今宵も また 酔っています。
下記転送メ−ルの 一番最後の 英文のアネックド−トが 面白いのでお送りしました。
Dear Professor Yamaguchi,
How have you been? Your poems on the HP are really nice--they bring a kind of solace and comfort to the soul. Poetry is strange--it's the coming together of various words and thoughts that are so soothing and warming to the mind and body. Your poems also bring a kind of cheerfulness and laughter to the heart.
Keiko-san sent me information on the days we will be able to spend with you in Koza this summer. Thank you so much for your kindness in welcoming us again. All year long, my children talk about Koza and when summer season starts to approach, they become quite anxious and eager to go.
By the way, here below is attached another interesting anecdote that you could share with the people who like to read English. Looking forward to seeing you very soon!
The Farmer and the Donkey
One day, a farmer's donkey fell into an abandoned well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do and how to get it out.
Finally, he decided that the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway; so it just wasn't worth the time or effort to try to retrieve the donkey. Although he felt sorry for the donkey, he had his neighbors come over to help him bury the donkey and fill the old well up with dirt. The neighbors each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
Realizing what was happening, the donkey at first cried and wailed horribly. Then, a few shovelfuls later, he quieted down completely. The farmer peered down into the well, and was astounded by what he saw. With every shovelful of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake the dirt off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, the donkey would shake the dirt off and take another step up.
Pretty soon, the donkey could reach the top of the well, stepped out over the edge and trotted off, to the shock and astonishment of everyone!
In some way, life is going to shovel dirt on you--all kinds of dirt. The trick is to get out of the well and not let the dirt bury you, to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping-stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Always shake off your troubles, work your way out of them and then,take a step up!
Remember these five simple rules to be happy:
Free your heart from hatred.
Free your mind from worries.
Live simply.
Give more.
But expect less.
Also, afterwards, the donkey went to the farmer who tried to bury him and kicked him as hard as he could. This brings us to another moral for this story:
"When you try to cover your ass, it always comes back and gets you."
最後に、 ASS は、「お尻」と「ロバ」と両方の意味があり、「ロバを覆うとすると」 つまり、「お尻(悪事)を隠そうとすると」と。。。。。it comes back to get you 「もどって来て、やられてしまう」、つまり「ばれて、破滅の原因となる」。
Janet san,
Thank you for another amusing joke which is forwarded below.I admit that the point of the story is the implication of the word "organ." I thank you for your proper confirmation of it, all the same.
I am told that jokes of that kind are often told as a part of an after-dinner speech in the States, partly because of their good effect on the participants' digestion. On the other hand, in Japanese merry-making dinner parties, parlor tricks(隠し芸) are usually performed.
I fear a bit that the joke might be somewhat embarrassing to some receivers, but I have decided to forward it to many.
Dearest Professor Yamaguchi,
Thank you for sharing the messages you receive with me. I am so glad that many people are, in fact, interested in jokes or stories in English.
Here again, I have attached below a joke, although it is a bit "risque". I hope you will be understanding since we are all now quite "mature" enough.
Best wishes and warmest regards!
Always, Janet
The organ
Miss Bea was in her eighties, and much admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. The pastor came to call on her one afternoon early in the spring, and she welcomed him into her Victorian parlor.
She invited him to have a seat while she prepared a little tea.
As he sat facing her old pump organ, the young minister noticed a cut glass bowl placed on top of it, filled with water.
In the water floated, of all things, a CONDOM!
Imagine his shock and surprise!
Imagine his curiosity!
Surely Miss Bea had flipped (正気を失った)or something!
But he certainly couldn't mention the strange sight in her parlor. When she returned with tea and cookies, they began to chat.
The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and the strange thing floating in it, but soon his curiosity got the better of him, and he could resist no longer.
"Miss Bea," he said, "I wonder if you would tell me about this?" pointing to the bowl.
"Oh, yes," she replied, "Isn't it wonderful? I was walking downtown last fall and I found this little package.
The directions said to put it on the organ, keep it wet, and it would prevent disease. And so I did just that. And you know......I haven't had a cold all winter!"
ここでは "put it on the organ" が大切なのです。
「オルガンの上に置く」 と「器官(特に男性の)に。。。」の意味があります。