Janet's Jokes & Anecdotes #5



Forty years since...
January 31, 2003

...It is almost miraculous that our reading group come together still for reading and enjoying English and English literature regularly, considering that it is forty years since you left Ohtani Jr College...

Dear Professor Yamaguchi,
Oh my, oh my! You say:
"FORTY YEARS since we left Ohtani Jr. College"?????!!!!
That would make us all about SIXTY YEARS OLD NOW!!!!
Do we look all around 60???!! I certainly hope NOT! I certainly hope and pray that you mistakenly hit the wrong key on the keyboard and actually meant to type in "25 years"--a much more accurate figure, although I admit, not exactly!

I'm so sorry we women are so sensitive about our age. I hope you will understand that all of our greatest efforts, day to day, are put into looking even ONE year, ONE day younger--although it does seem like a losing battle! Still, it's a CRIME and a SCANDAL to say we may be SO OLD!!!

The book of poems is very nice and easy for me to read. It inspires me to think of our lives in more poetic terms and with a more romantic outlook.

You are really a poet! Thank you very much for showing me a world I would never know about without your kind introduction.

I am so glad to hear your trip to Korea was so full of good and happy memories. I am a little hesitant about contacting Mr. Anabuki but I wouldn't mind if you sent the short stories to him. Thank you so much!

Dear Janet and other lady friends,
I read your reply by e-mail, and I was shocked and feel disgusted with myself for having made such a gross blunder related to your age in my previous mail. The cause of my mistake was just a careless mis-calculation on my arithmetic work. I admit, however, that my error should be blamed as a criminal act on LADIES.

I express my sincere apology to you all and wish for your tolerance and pardon!

Janet san, as to your humorous short stories, I will forward them to Anabuki kun, and I hope he will be ready to edit and carry them on the Home Page soon. He is certainly matured enough to appreciate those contes.

We have only two weeks left for the tumultuous year of 2002,and I really wish all of you a Happy and Peaceful New Year!
Kakuro Yamaguchi

あれこれと ジャネットさんとの メ−ルでのやりとりを転送して お騒がせしました。

前も 彼女の年齢を 全く うっかりと 50年代半ばと書いてしまい 怒らせたことが あったのですが今回も 短大を卒業されてから 40年 と書いてしまい 早速 抗議の返事がきたということです。

やはり 女性の方が 年齢には敏感ですね。
心すべきことだ と反省しています。

ジャネットさんが 下記の如く 例のコントを送ってくれたのですが、あなたの方に お送りするのは いささか 躊躇いがあるということなので、私の方から 転送します。適当に 処理してください。
どうぞ ご自愛ください。

Dear Professor Yamaguchi,
Well, please have a good time at your many year-end parties! Thank you again for letting me join your group. It was just great to see you again and to feel the warm- heartedness of the members of the reading group.

p/s Some short stories again:

A couple is lying in bed. The man says, "Now I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world."
The woman happily says, "Really? Well, I'll miss you."

"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, "Honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"
"With that body, probably that I married you for your money," she replied.

He said : "Since I first laid eyes on you, I've wanted to make love to you REALLY BADLY."
She said : "Well, you succeeded."

He said : "Shall we try swapping positions tonight?"
She said : "That's a good idea....you stand at the ironing board while I sit on the sofa in front of the TV and fart."

He said: "What have you been doing with all the grocery money I give you?"
She said : "Well, just turn sideways and look in the mirror."

Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?
A: A "rumor."

One day my husband, who never does housework, decided to wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me,
"What setting do I use on the washing machine?"
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your sweatshirt?"
He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma."
".....and they say blondes are dumb!!!"


●This Week
●The Latest

●Forty years since...
●I'm sorry...
●Trouble in Japan's Financial Sector
●Island Living
●Brown kimonos
●If you can...
●The Farmer and the Donkey/The organ

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